Message: “Jesus According to John Promo” from Renew Church


Pastor Bartley Sawatsky - May 14, 2023

Exodus Chapters 7:8-9:35

These passages describe the first seven plagues that God sends upon Egypt in order to persuade Pharaoh to release the Israelites from slavery. Moses and Aaron, acting as messengers of God, perform various miraculous signs and wonders before Pharaoh and his magicians, turning the Nile river to blood, sending swarms of frogs, gnats, and flies, causing disease to afflict the livestock, and bringing hail, locusts, and darkness upon the land. Despite these demonstrations of God's power, Pharaoh refuses to release the Israelites.

Scripture References: Exodus 7:8-25, 1 Peter 5:6, 2 Corinthians 5:15, Romans 9:22-23, Exodus 9:1-35, Exodus 8:1-321

From Series: "Exodus: The Deliverance of Israel"

The book of Exodus is foundational to the story of God's relationship with humanity. The pivotal events recorded in the second book of the Bible demonstrate God's great love for His people by rescuing them from slavery in Egypt, forming them into a nation and establishing a covenant with them. In the second section of our epic series in the book of Exodus, we explore the events that led to Israel’s escape and freedom from their Egyptian oppressors.

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