Message: “Worship Well” from Pastor Bartley Sawatsky


A message from the series “Faith in Crisis: The Perils of Progressive Christianity.” In week 2 of our series, Paul’s ProTips, we look at 1 Timothy Chapter 2 and Paul’s instructions for worship including prayer and how men and women should conduct themselves in the corporate gathering.

Message: “Fight for Truth” from Pastor Bartley Sawatsky


A message from the series “Paul’s ProTips.” In week 1 of Paul’s ProTips, Pastor Bartley Sawatsky provides an introduction to the book of 1 Timothy and discusses the fight against false doctrine, warnings from Paul against false teachers of the Law, and the Lord’s grace to Paul.

Message: “Legitimate Deconstruction & True Christianity” from Pastor Bartley Sawatsky


A message from the series “Faith in Crisis: The Perils of Progressive Christianity.” In the finale of our 6-week series, Faith in Crisis, Pastor Bartley will wrap up our discussion on Progressive Christianity by asking if there is such a thing as legitimate deconstruction. He will then conclude the series with a discussion of true Christianity.

Message: “Inerrancy of Scripture” from Pastor Bartley Sawatsky


A message from the series “Faith in Crisis: The Perils of Progressive Christianity.” In week 1 of Faith in Crisis, Pastor Bartley lays the groundwork to understand the causes and pitfalls of Progressive Christianity and begins discussing the inerrancy of Scripture.