Below are just a few ways that you can get connected with the Renew Church Milton community. Click the button below to tell us what you are interested in and we’ll be in touch with you!

Connection Point
Join us for an information session to learn more about Renew Church and how you can get connected. Feel free to ask us any questions you like! Fill in the form below to register.

Renew Groups are the heart of our church family. When you join a group, you will come alongside others to explore your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus in a relaxed, conversational environment. We have groups meeting in Milton and Mississauga.

that man called jesus
The Gospel of John may be the shortest book you’ve ever read for a book club, but it will likely foster as much discussion as any long book that you’ve read. Everyone is welcome to participate whether you are new to the Bible, just checking it out or looking to re-engage your faith. Click the Connect With Us button to sign up.

At Renew Church, we practice water baptism as a public declaration of faith in Jesus. Baptism services are held once a month at our Big Night Out services. If you are interested in learning more about baptism, please fill in the form below and one of our pastors will contact you.

A child dedication provides a special opportunity for your family and your church to make a mutual commitment to raise your children in the ways of God. Fill out the form below to participate in our next dedication service.