May R.E.A.P. Journal

renewchurchMayfield, Meadowvale, Milton, News

May REAP Journal

Here is the May edition of our monthly guide to help our church collectively read Scripture and study a topic together. Our topic for this month is “Peace”.

Use this tool to get into God’s Word daily. And then take what you have read, prayed through, journaled, and learned into your Growth Group discussions. You can even use this tool to keep each other accountable within your Growth Groups for your daily Scripture reading and prayer life. This tool can be added to any kind of Scripture reading plan you may already have in place.

Within this journal you will find:

  • Growth Group example
  • How to R.E.A.P. guide
  • A section or sections of Scripture for each day of the month, except for Sundays where we will provide a page for you to take notes from the message at church that day